Southern California Soccer Officials Association
San Diego

Rain Procedures
It is suggested you PRINT & KEEP A COPY of these directions with you when you go to your games.
- Make your assignment unless specifically notified by a school official or assignor that a game has been cancelled.
- If your game is a "Rainout":
- For Non-Tournament Games on School Days:
- Check your schedule in ArbiterSports; if the Status is Cancelled or Rainout consider yourself notified by your assignor. If the Status is Normal then proceed to step ii, if not go to step iii.
- Call the Home School before you leave to the game. Talk to an adult, preferably in the Athletic Director's office. Ask if they are playing your specific game assignment. (Note, varsity games may be played, while non-varsity games might be cancelled.) If the answer is that they are playing, note the name of the adult that told you. This call should be made no more than three hours before game time. Note many school switchboards may be closed after school is out. Do not call any assignor. We will contact you only if we receive word that the game is cancelled.
- If you are notified the game is cancelled, EMAIL your assignor so you are removed from the game and not charged a game fee.
- For Non-School Day & Tournament Games:
- Check your schedule in ArbiterSports; if the Status is Cancelled or Rainout consider yourself notified by your assignor. If the Status is Normal then proceed to step ii, if not go to step iii.
- Wait to hear from the Tournament Director or Assignor, but if you do not hear from somebody, make your assignment.
- If you are notified the game is cancelled, EMAIL your assignor so you are removed from the game and not charged a game fee.
- For Non-Tournament Games on School Days:
- If your game is to be played:
- When you arrive, confirm with the coach on the field that the game is on and the opponent is coming, if they are not already there. Prepare your pay voucher and give it to the coach.
- Remember the home school has control over the decision of the play-ability of the field up until you start the game. Do not interfere or interject your opinion if they decide the field is playable and you disagree.
- Start the game on time and only terminate the game if the field is UNSAFE in your opinion. Whatever your opinion is, it is the same for all referees assigned to the game. There will be no disagreements between referees in front of third parties.
NOTE: Some schools are going to change from a JV and Frosh at same time to three straight games on the Turf Field. This happens frequently on north County games when it is raining. Check ARBITER before you leave for the field, check during the day, time and filed changes can occur at anytime.